Return Policy

Return Policy

Your Satisfaction Matters

At Kikapo, we strive to ensure your satisfaction with every purchase. If you encounter any issues with a product or service, please follow our return process outlined below.

1. Contact the Seller:

  • The first step in the return process is to contact the seller directly. Sellers on Kikapo are committed to addressing any concerns or issues you may have. Reach out to them through the messaging system on your order page. Communication is key, and sellers are here to assist you.

2. Resolution with the Seller:

  • Work closely with the seller to discuss the issue and find a resolution. Many concerns can be resolved through direct communication, and sellers are encouraged to respond promptly. If you're unable to reach a satisfactory resolution with the seller, please proceed to the next step.

3. Contact Kikapo Support:

  • If your issue persists and cannot be resolved with the seller, contact Kikapo Support by submitting a request through our Contact Us page or by emailing Please provide detailed information about the problem, including your order number, the product or service in question, and any relevant images or documentation.

4. Kikapo Review and Assistance:

  • Kikapo will review your case and work with you and the seller to facilitate a resolution. We are committed to ensuring a fair and transparent process. Our goal is to find a solution that is satisfactory for all parties involved.

Important Notes:

  • Please initiate the return process within 30 days from receiving the product or service.
  • The return process is applicable for products that are damaged, defective, or significantly different from the product description.
  • If the return request is approved, instructions for returning the item will be provided.


  • Some products or services may not be eligible for return due to their nature (e.g., digital goods, personalized items, etc.). In such cases, the seller will clearly state the non-returnable nature of the product or service in the listing.

Disagreements and Disputes:

  • In the event of a disagreement between the buyer and the seller, Kikapo will review the case and make a fair determination based on the information provided by both parties.

Stay Informed:

  • Keep communication lines open throughout the return process. Regularly check your messages on Kikapo for updates and instructions from the seller or Kikapo Support.

Thank you for being a valued part of the Kikapo community. We appreciate your trust in us and are here to ensure that every transaction on our platform is a positive and satisfying experience.

Last Updated: January 1, 2024

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